Using the remote console
Issue 2.0 June 2004 153
3. At the remote console, enter: y
The following message is displayed at the remote console:
4. At the remote console, enter:
/cms/install/bin/abcadm -c -b 9600 ttya
The following message is displayed at the remote console:
5. At the remote console, enter: y
The following message is displayed at the remote console:
The following occurs:
● The system begins to shut down.
● Shutdown, reset, and reboot messages are displayed on the local console.
● When the system starts to come back up, the local console goes blank.
● The system boot diagnostics are displayed on the remote console.
● After the system reboots, a console login: prompt is displayed on the remote
6. Log in to the remote console as root.
ttya administration removed
This change requires a reboot to take affect
Are you ready to reboot? [y,n,?]
desktop auto-start disabled
Proceeding to reboot.