Issue 1.0 June 2002 57
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
IDL Syntax ORBStatus GetValuesHistory( in ADU_ID aduid, in unsigned long flags,
out SeqLong headers, out SeqString names,
out SeqSeqSeqString values) ;
Description GetValuesHistory returns everything that is known about all values in an ADU. For each named
field in an ADU, it reports on all the values the field has had (up to the limit specified with the
maxkeptrevisions configuration parameter), who set them, and when. By providing the various
ADU_GSGET flags, you can control which of these values are returned.
The output in headers is a list of your specified flags, one per long integer. This indicates the order
in which the bottommost sequence of strings in the values parameter are filled. Thus, if you
specify (ADU_GSGETVALUE | ADU_GSGETTIME), headers would come back with two long
integers, one containing ADU_GSGETVALUE and one containing ADU_GSGETTIME. The
bottommost sequences in the values parameter would list values in the same order.
The output in names is a list of all the data names within the ADU. Container elements each get
their own entry. The topmost sequences in values are in the name order, so if names[3] is “x”,
values[3] is the sequence that describes the history for “x”.
Valu es itself runs three levels down. The topmost level is parallel to the names sequence. The next
level down represents one entry for each value that names has had over time. If a value has only
been set once (a common case) this sequence only has one element. The lowest level runs parallel
to the headers parameter, and has one element for each of the kinds of data requested (any
combination of text, time, and who).
aduid An ADUID of an existing ADU.
name The name of a field.
values A list of values to which the named field has been set.
when When the field was set to each value, time_t string.
who The session ID of the client that set each value.
VESP_SUCCESS Request was successful.
VESP_ERROR ADUID was not found.