Chapter 2 The Agent Data Unit
16 Agent Data Unit Server Programmer’s Guide
Agent ADU Fields
The following ADU fields are used by agents on Avaya IC.
Field Name Description Set By
auxwork.<m>.detail A code that describes the reason that the
agent entered this state.
Blender Server
auxwork.<m>.endtime The time that the agent exited this
AuxWork state.
Blender Server
auxwork.<m>.starttime The time that the agent entered the
current AuxWork state. The <m> is the
increment time that agent enters into a
different AuxWork state.
Blender Server
ceiling The maximum task load limit for the
Workflow Server
cobject A unique representation of the client’s
Tool Kit
last_termination The identity of the last user of the
Terminate method, used as debugging
ADU Server
load The maximum number of contacts that
can be concurrently assigned to the
agent across all of the media channels.
Workflow Server
login The time that the agent logged in to
Avaya IC in hh:mm:ss format.
Tool Kit
The agent's Avaya IC login id.
Tool Kit
logout The time that the agent logged off from
Avaya IC in hh:mm:ss format..
Tool Kit
<media>.abandoned The total number of contacts that have
been abandoned since the agent logged
in to the media channel. (voice, email,
Media Connector
<media>.ceiling The maximum task load limit on the
media channel.
Workflow Server &
IC Manager
<media>.connector The UUID of the Media Connector
Server: voice, email, or web.
Media Connector
<media>.contactcount The number of contacts assigned to the
agent for this media channel.
Media Connector
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