Chapter 2 Avaya C460 CLI Commands
54 Avaya C460 Reference Guide
ip proxy-arp
User level: read-write, admin.
L You can only access this command in interface mode.
Type interface [name] at the command prompt to enter interface mode.
Use the ip proxy-arp command to enables proxy ARP on an interface.
Use the no ip proxy-arp command to disable proxy ARP on an interface.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] ip proxy-arp
To disable proxy ARP on interface marketing:
ip redirects
User level: read-write, admin.
L You can only access this command in interface mode.
Type interface [name] at the command prompt to enter interface mode if
Use the ip redirects command to enables the sending of redirect messages on
the interface.
Use the no ip redirects command to disable the redirect messages. By default,
sending of redirect messages on the interface is enabled.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] ip redirects
ip rip authentication key
User level: read-write, admin.
L You can only access this command in interface mode.
Router-1> ip ospf router-id
Router-1(config-if:marketing)#no ip proxy arp
Router-1(config-if:marketing)#ip redirects