Chapter 2 Avaya C460 CLI Commands
150 Avaya C460 Reference Guide
show device-mode
User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use this command to display the switch operational mode (Layer 2 or Layer 3).
The syntax for this command is:
show device-mode
show dot1x
User level: user, privileged, supervisor
Use the show dot1x command to display the system dot1x capabilities, protocol
version, and timer values.
The syntax for this command is:
show dot1x
show dot1x statistics
User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use the show dot1x statistics command to display Rx and Tx EAPOL and
EAP statistics.
The syntax for this command is:
show dot1x statistics
C460-1> show device-mode
Device mode is Router
C460-1> show dot1x mode
PAE Capabilities Authenticator Only
Protocol Version 1
system-auth-control disabled
*** Warning : Authentication server ( RADIUS ) is disabled/not-exist and so
*** no authentication can be made