Chapter 8. Device Management
NIC Settings
Redundant NIC
The KN1108v / KN1116v switch is designed with two network interfaces.
If Redundant NIC is enabled (the default), both interfaces make use of the
IP address of Network Adapter 1.
Under this configuration, the second interface is usually inactive. If there
is a network failure on the first interface, the switch automatically switches
to the second interface.
Redundant NIC Enabled – Single IP Address for Both Interfaces
To enable the Redundant NIC function, do the following:
1. Click to put a check in the Redundant NIC checkbox.
2. Network Adapter 1 is selected in the network adapter listbox, and
the listbox is disabled – you cannot configure Network Adapter 2.
3. Configure the IP and DNS server addresses for Network Adapter 1
(see the sections below).
Redundant NIC Not Enabled – Two IP Addresses
If you choose not to enable the Redundant NIC function, the two NICs
can be configured with separate interfaces. Users can log into the
KN1108v / KN1116v switch with either IP address. To set up the switch
with this configuration, do the following:
1. If there is a check in the Redundant NIC checkbox, click to remove
2. In the network adapter listbox; select Network Adapter 1.
3. Configure the IP and DNS server addresses for Network Adapter 1
(see the sections below).
4. Drop down the network adapter listbox; select Network Adapter 2.
5. Configure the IP and DNS server addresses for Network Adapter 2.