Chapter 6. Port Access
The Connections page is organized into several main areas. All the devices,
ports, and outlets, including the unit’s COM1 and COM2 ports, that a user is
permitted to access are listed in the Sidebar at the left of the page. In addition
to KN1108v / KN1116v listings, if any PON (Power Over the Net™) devices
are connected to the switches they are listed separately below the switch
listings. If any Blade Servers have been deployed, they are listed separately
below the PON devices.
Configuration and operation of KVM devices and ports are discussed on
page 92; configuration and operation of the COM ports is discussed on
page 95, configuration and operation of PON devices and outlets are discussed
on page 99; configuration and operation of Blade Servers are discussed on
page 104
Note: Power Over the Net™ devices are also referred to as PDUs (Power
Device Units).
After selecting a device, port, or outlet in the Sidebar, clicking entries on the
menu bar (Browser GUI) or tab bar (AP GUI) opens information and
configuration pages related to the item selected in the Sidebar.