Chapter 7
Add a contact Press Menu > Add new contact, and follow the instructions on the
Delete a contact Select the contact to delete and press Menu > Contact options >
Remove Contact.
Send an instant message Select the recipient for the instant message from the displayed window
at the bottom of the screen. Enter your message and press Send.
5. Select the check boxes if you want the Windows Live to show on the the Home screen.
6. Select what you want to sync on your device by checking the check boxes.
7. Sync e-mail for Hotmail account.
Using Windows
Live Messenger
To sign in and out of Windows
Live Messenger
1. Set e-mail address and password in Windows
2. Whenthesettingisnished,fromtheHomescreen,pressStart > More > Messenger.
3. On the Windows
Live Live
Messenger main screen, press Sign In.
4. To sign out, press Menu > Sign Out.
NOTE If you do not sign out of the Windows
Live Messenger application, you will
remain connected. This may result in additional charges from your service
Common Windows
Live Messenger features