Chapter 5
To reset your phone
1. On the Home screen, press Start > Tools > Default Settings.
2. Enter 1234toconrmyouwanttorestoredefaultsettingsandpressOK .
The phone will restart automatically after it has been reset.
5-7 Adding and removing programs
You can use ActiveSync to add programs to your phone or add a program directly from the Internet.
To add programs
1. Download the program to your PC.
2. Read any installation instructions or documentation that comes with the program. Many
programs provide special installation instructions.
3. Connect your Smartphone to the PC using a USB cable.
4. Double-clickthe*.exele.
• Iftheexecutableleisaninstallationwizard,followtheinstructionsonthescreen.Oncethe
program has been installed on your PC, the wizard will automatically transfer the program to
your phone.
• If an installation wizard does not start, you will see an error message stating that the program
is valid but that it is designed for a different type of PC. You will need to copy this program to