• Swipe right then left using a single motion. Move to the next
• Swipe left then right using a single motion. Move to the previ-
ous page.
While you’re exploring with one nger, you can use another nger
to double-tap to open an app, widget, and so on.
IMPORTANT: The way these gestures are interpreted is spe-
cic to TalkBack. Other accessibility services may use the
same gestures for different actions
Shortcut gestures in TalkBack
Note: These gestures work only when Explore by Touch is turned
TalkBack has shortcut gestures to help you get to your Home
screen, go back, and more. To try these shortcuts, swipe using
a single motion:
• Up then right: Open continuous reading menu
• Up then left: Home button
• Down then right: Open global context menu
• Down then left: Back button
• Right then down: Open notications
• Left then up: Recent apps button
You can modify your shortcut gestures and the corresponding ac-
tions in TalkBack by going to Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack >
Settings > Manage shortcut gestures.