Touch icon in this location to
see your content of that type
You can quickly access your content this way, from the Google
Play Store app, even if you originally purchased it on Google Play
using a different phone or tablet. If you get a new device, all your
media will automatically be waiting for you here when you turn
on and sign in.
Google Play settings
To adjust your Google Play settings, switch accounts, or get help,
choose the option you want from the
Menu in the top right
The Google Play Settings screen lets you control when you’re no-
tied about updates to apps and games, clear your search history,
and enable user controls. To lter Android apps based on matu-
rity level or require a PIN before completing any purchase, touch
Content ltering or Set or change PIN.
Google Play support
For more detailed information about Google Play, including phone
and email support options, visit support.google.com/googleplay.
Use & customize the lock screen
Available for Android 4.2 and higher.
You can add widgets to the top of the lock screen and swipe be-