Web/SNMP Management SmartSlot Card User’s Guide 72
How to Correct Communication Lost Problems
PowerChute plus may constantly or frequently report an Unable to
Communicate with
condition when PowerChute plus and the
Management Card have been installed together on a
Constant Unable
to Communicate
1. Ensure that the cable between the computer and the
(or the
expansion chassis) is securely connected at both ends.
2. Ensure that the
(or the expansion chassis) serial port is
connected to the same computer port used to connect the computer
to the
when PowerChute plus was installed.
3. If
Step 1
Step 2
did not correct the problem, reset the
Management Card.
4. If the problem persists, disconnect (or remove) the Management
Card and restart PowerChute plus.
• If the problem still persists, see your PowerChute plus documen-
tation to remove and then reinstall PowerChute plus.
• If problem clears, reinstall the Management Card.
5. If the problem still continues or returns, see
APC Worldwide
Technical Support on page 74
for information about how to
contact APC for technical support.
Unable to
To eliminate an interrupt request (
) conflict, the most likely cause of
the problem, disconnect (or remove) the Management Card from the
and restart PowerChute plus. If the problem persists, see your
PowerChute plus documentation to remove and then reinstall
PowerChute plus. If the problem still persists, see
APC Worldwide
Technical Support on page 74
for information about how to contact
APC for technical support
If problem cleared, do the following.
1. Stop PowerChute plus.
2. Use an ASCII text editor to edit the [ups] section of the
PowerChute plus initialization file (pwrchute.ini or
powerchute.ini, depending on the PowerChute plus operating
• Add the TimeoutFactor=40 parameter to the file.
• Change the UpsPollInterval value to =6 (default value
is 4).
3. Reconnect (or reinstall) the Management Card and restart
PowerChute plus. If the problem returns, see
APC Worldwide
Technical Support on page 74
for information about how to
contact APC for technical support.