Web/SNMP Management SmartSlot Card User’s Guide 53
Events Menu
Event Actions (Web Interface only)
option is available only in the Web interface’s
menu. It allows you to select whether the following actions are enabled
or disabled for events with a specified severity level:
• Events Log
•SNMP Traps
You can use an evntlist.htm page to change the severity
level assigned to a specific event. For more information,
How to Configure Individual Events on page 59
For information about the event log, see
Event Log on page 51
; for
information about the UPS, Environmental Monitoring SmartSlot Card,
and Management Card events, including the default severity level for
each event, see
Management Card and Device Events on page 61
for information about Email notifications, see
Email on page 56
Severity levels
With the exception of some system (Management Card) events that do
not have a severity level assigned, each event is assigned a default
severity level based on the type of action that is required when the event
• Informational: Indicates an event that requires no action, such
as a notification of a return from an abnormal condition.
• Warning: Indicates an event that may need to be addressed if
the condition continues, but which does not require immediate
• Severe: Indicates an event that requires immediate attention.
Unless resolved, UPS and Management Card severe events
can cause incorrect operation of the UPS or its supported
equipment, or can result in the loss of UPS protection during a
power failure. Environmental Monitoring SmartSlot Card severe
events warn of abnormal environmental conditions or possible
security violations.
To use an evntlist.htm page to change the severity level
assigned to a specific event, see
How to Configure
Individual Events on page 59
Continued on next page