5InfraStruXure Central Installation Manual
Install the RapidRails slide assemblies
1. At the front of the rack cabinet, position one of the RapidRails slide assemblies so that its
mounting-bracket flange fits in one U-space in the rack. The top mounting hook on the slide
assembly’s front mounting bracket flange should enter the top hole of the U-space.
2. Push the slide assembly forward until the top mounting hook enters the top square hole of the U-
space, and then push down on the mounting-bracket flange until the mounting hooks seat in the
square holes and the push button pops out and clicks (see below).
3. At the back of the enclosure, pull back on the mounting-bracket flange until the top mounting
hook is in the top square hole of the U-space you selected, and then push down on the flange until
the mounting hooks seat in the square holes and the push button pops out and clicks.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the slide assembly on the other side of the rack.
Caution: Ensure that the slide assemblies are mounted at the same position on the vertical
rails on each side of the rack.
Slide assembly (2)
Mounting bracket flange
Mounting hooks (2)
Push button