InfraStruXure Central Installation Manual22
E1618 PS # Predictive
Power supply voltage is out of acceptable range; specified
power supply is improperly installed or faulty.
E161C PS # Input Lost
Power source for specified power supply is unavailable, or out
of acceptable range.
E1620 PS # Input Range
Power source for specified power supply is unavailable, or out
of acceptable range.
E1624 PS Redundancy
The power supply subsystem is no longer redundant. If the last
supply fails, the system will go down.
E1710 I/O Channel Chk
The system BIOS has reported an I/O channel check.
E1711 PCI PERR B## D## F##
The system BIOS has reported a PCI parity error on a
component that resides in PCI configuration space at bus ##,
device ##, function ##.
The system BIOS has reported a PCI parity error on a
component that resides in the specified PCI slot.
E1712 PCI SERR B## D## F##
The system BIOS has reported a PCI system error on a
component that resides in PCI configuration space at bus ##,
device ##, function ##.
The system BIOS has reported a PCI system error on a
component that resides in the specified slot.
E1714 Unknown Err
The system BIOS has determined that there has been an error in
the system, but is unable to determine its origin.
E171F PCIE Fatal Err B##
D## F##
PCIE Fatal Err Slot #
The system BIOS has reported a PCIe fatal error on a
component that resides in PCI configuration space at bus ##,
device ##, function ##.
The system BIOS has reported a PCIe fatal error on a
component that resides in the specified slot.
E1810 HDD ## Fault
The SAS subsystem has determined that hard drive ## has
experienced a fault.
E1811 HDD ## Rbld Abrt
The specified hard drive has experienced a rebuild abort.
E1812 HDD ## Removed
The specified hard drive has been removed from the system.
E1913 CPU & Firmware
The BMC firmware does not support the CPU.
E1A11 PCI Rsr Config
PCI risers are not configured correctly; some invalid
configurations may prevent the system from turning on.
E1A12 PCI Rsr Missing
One or all of the PCI risers are missing, preventing the system
from turning on.
E1A14 SAS Cable A
SAS cable A is missing or bad.
E1A15 SAS Cable B
SAS cable B is missing or bad.
E2010 No Memory
No memory is installed in the system.
E2011 Mem Config Err
Memory detected, but is not configurable. Error detected during
memory configuration.
E2012 Unusable Memory
Memory is configured, but not usable. Memory subsystem
E2013 Shadow BIOS Fail
The system BIOS failed to copy its flash image into memory.
E2014 CMOS Fail
CMOS failure. CMOS RAM not functioning properly.
E2015 DMA Controller
DMA controller failure.
E2016 Int Controller
Interrupt controller failure.