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Fuel Cost Calculator
To calculate an estimate of your fuel costs for
a trip, select Fuel Cost Calculator from the
Tri p menu before you run your route. Fill in
the average cost per gallon of fuel that you
expect to pay, and the distance per gallon you
can expect to get in your vehicle. Click OK,
then run your trip. A fuel cost estimate based
on what you entered will be calculated and
shown in the Trip Summary that CoPilot
creates for every trip you run.
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CoPilot Live Communications
CoPilot Live allows you to maintain two-way communication with drivers who are using
CoPilot and to actually see where they are currently located. You can do this using a computer
with CoPilot installed or from our CoPilot Live web page.
Using this CoPilot Live functionality requires the following:
1) If you want to track and message other drivers: An Internet connection on the
computer you have CoPilot installed on, or access to our CoPilot Live web page through
a normal web browser.
2) If you want others to track and send messages to you: CoPilot Live must be
running on your mobile device in your vehicle. You must have a wireless Internet
CoPilot Live Web Page
As a CoPilot user, you can create an account on our website that allows you to join the
CoPilot Live Network. Then your family, friends, and coworkers can "see" you and
communicate with you anywhere in the world! Through the website you can do all of the
1) Send text messages to CoPilot users using large, customizable, one-touch response
buttons to ensure driver safety.
2) Real-time tracking of other people who are on the road. See their current location,
destination, ETA and much more.
3) Send itinerary updates including new stops and revised destinations — you can coordinate
changes in plans with someone who's on the road right now without forcing them to pull
over and enter new information.
4) Create an online account from where you can send temporary or permanent tracking
numbers to friends and family. You can also create and join groups with other CoPilot
users and manage all your account preferences.
Since you're the one who owns CoPilot, it's likely that your friends and family will be the ones
logging onto the CoPilot Live web site to communicate with you. However, setting up your
own account allows you to distribute tracking numbers and have tighter control of the security
so you know who has access to you while you're on the road.
For more information and complete details, visit the CoPilot Live Tracking Website at: