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More Detail
Less Detail
More Detail button or Detail >
how More in the Map menu.
lick once to increase the level of
etail you see on the map by one
increment without changing the
oom level.
Less Detail button or Detail >
how Less in the Map menu.
lick once to decrease the level of
etail you see on the map by one
increment without changing the
oom level.
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Zoom To Region
Refresh Map
oom to Region button or
oom Region in the Map menu.
his function allows you to zoom
our map view to a specific area.
hoices in the sub-menu will
epend on which CoPilot data
region(s) were purchased.
Refresh Map button or Refresh
ap in the Map menu. When
crolling through a map you may
notice it takes a few seconds for all
he data to catch up. This function
ill snap the entire screen to a
new map.