Supplemental Operator’s Guide
This makes the waterfall trace active.
• Press the [Marker Fctn] hardkey.
• Press the [WATERFALL MARKERS] softkey (F5).
The SLICE SELECT softkey will be active. Use the marker knob to move the cursor
to the frequency of interest.
• Press the [SAVE AND DISP DATA] softkey (F5).
This one keystroke saves the selected slice into data register D2 and changes the
Meas Data of Trace A to display data register D2. Trace A will show the amplitude
in the selected frequency band vs. time.
Collecting a Specified Number of Spectra During a Time Interval
Acquire a specified number of spectra into a waterfall during a fixed interval using
time step arm. Divide the total measurement interval by the number of spectra
desired during the interval to determine the desired TIME STEP SIZE. For example
to measure 10 spectra during a one minute interval, select a 6 second TIME STEP
SIZE as follows:
• Press the [Trigger] hardkey.
• Select the [ARM SETUP] softkey (F7).
• Select the [TIME STEP ARM] softkey (F4).
• Select the [TIME STEP SIZE] softkey (F8).
• Enter 6 and press the [S] softkey (F1).
Then specify the total number of spectra to be collected (10):
• Press the [Active Trace] hardkey.
• Select the [B] softkey (F2).
• Press the [Disp Format] hardkey.
• Select the [WATERFALL SETUP] softkey (F8).
• Select the [WATERFALL STEPS] softkey (F8).
• Enter 10 and then press the [ENTER] softkey (F1).
When Start is pressed, a new spectra will be acquired every six seconds.