
Need Assistance?
If you need assistance, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and
Service Office listed in the Agilent Catalog. You can also find a list of local
service representatives on the Web at:
http://www.agilent-tech.com/services/English/index.html or contact your
nearest regional office listed below.
If you are contacting Agilent Technologies about a problem with your Agilent
89410A Vector Signal Analyzer, please provide the following information:
q Model number: Agilent 89410A
q Serial number:
q Options:
q Date the problem was first encountered:
q Circumstances in which the problem was encountered:
q Can you reproduce the problem?
q What effect does this problem have on you?
You may find the serial number and options from the front panel of your
analyzer by executing the following:
Press [
System Utility
], [
], [
serial number
Press [
System Utility
], [
options setup
If you do not have access to the Internet, one of these centers can direct you to
your nearest representative:
United States Test and Measurement Call Center
(800) 452-4844 (Toll free in US)
Canada (905) 206-4725
Europe (31 20) 547 9900
Japan Measurement Assistance Center
(81) 426 56 7832
(81) 426 56 7840 (FAX)
Latin America (305) 267 4245
(305) 267 4288 (FAX)
Australia/New Zealand 1 800 629 485 (Australia)
0800 738 378 (New Zealand)
Asia-Pacific (852) 2599 7777
(FAX) (852) 2506 9285