
GPIB address: external disk drive HT
GPIB address: external receiver HT
GPIB address: plotter HT
GPIB address: printer HT
GPIB connector GS 7-16
GPIB controllers HT
keys that have GPIB commands HT
LAN use OP 10-6
system controller HT
half LED HT
description of HT
usingtosettherange HT
hardkeys, defined HT
Help hardkey HT
help, online GS 1-1
hold scale softkey HT
horizontal axis
See X-axis
HP-GL (Hewlett-Packard
graphics language) HT
I-BASIC, instrument BASIC
I/Q information
See demodulation, digital
ideal state softkey HT
IF bandwidth, external receiver HT
IF center frequency, external
receiver HT
IF section
connecting to RF section GS 7-7
fuse GS 7-12
model number GS 7-10
IF section (0-10 mhz) softkey HT
IF trigger
See trigger
incoming inspection GS 7-5
indent softkey HT
indicators, display HT
INF, meaning of HT
information bandwidth OP 14-3,
OP 14-10
input channels HT
about input channels HT
channel 2 with rf section HT
clearing input overloads HT
compensating for gain & delay HT
input channels (continued)
connections HT
coupling: ac or dc HT
dBm calculations HT
disabling HT
disabling the anti-alias filter HT
input impedance HT
input-state table HT
input hardkey HT
input section (ch1 + j*ch2) softkey HT
input state GS 6-9
installation GS 7-9
installing options HT
instantaneous spectrum, displaying HT
instrument mode hardkey HT
GPIB GS 7-16
LAN GS 7-14
parallel GS 7-15
serial 1 GS 7-15
serial 2 GS 7-7
IQ measured signal OP 17-9, OP 18-10
IQ reference signal OP 17-9, OP 18-10
Italian softkey HT
keyboard HT
about the keyboard HT
connecting GS 7-17
keyboard connector HT
keyboard type HT
knob HT
about the knob HT
changing the operation of HT
LAN GS 7-14, HT
about the advanced LAN (UG7) HT
about the lan HT
activating OP 10-5
addressing OP 10-4
and FTP OP 10-10
connectors, descriptions HT
controlling the analyzer via the lan HT
ethernet address, displaying HT
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), using HT
gateway address, setting HT
GPIB with OP 10-6
interface, connecting OP 10-1
IP address, setting HT
port, configuring HT
ports, activating HT
LAN (continued)
GS = Getting Started Guide HT = Online Help
OP = Operator's Guide (press (Help) key)