| Page © Adam Equipment Company 2009
Care must be used as some commands depend upon others to be effective,
For example sending a command for setting the heat to use a ramp but not
sending a temperature or time to use may cause incorrect operation if they
are not set to reasonable values.
The current settings can be printed or observed as described in sections
6.1.2 and 6.3.
The parameters related to analyzer configuration are listed below. To
change a test parameter it is necessary to send a command for the
parameter to modify along with the value to change.
All commands are in English regardless of the language selected for the
analyzer operation. The commands can be sent in both upper case letters
and lower case letter, i.e. “PARITY=0” or “parity=0” are both acceptable.
Baud Rate=2; #0=2400,1=4800,2=9600,3=19200,4=28400, default=1;
Parity=0; #0=none,1=Even,2=Odd ,default= 0;
Print Test=1; #0=off,1=on, default=1;
Output Format=0; #0=complete 1=summary ,default=0;
Continuous=1; #0=off,1=on, default=0;
Interval=20; #00-99 ,default=1;
Date Format=1; #0=Europe,1=USA,2=ASIA default=0;
User ID=1234567890; #length=10 alpha-numeric characters;
Key Beeper=1; #0=off;1=on default=1;
Test Beeper=1; #0=off;1=on default=1;
Backlight=2; #0=off,1=on,2=auto default=2;
Filter=1; #0=slow,1=normal,2=fast, default=1;
Stability=2; #0=1d,1=2d,2=5d,3=10d default=2;
Auto Zero=3; #0=off,1=1d,2=2d,3=5d default=5;
Operator=000000; #operator password ,must be 6 bytes;
Supervisor=000000; #Supervisor password ,must be 6 bytes;
Calibration Report=1; #0=off,1=on default=1;
Language=0; #0=English, 1=German, 2=French, 3=Spanish
These commands are the same as will be set using the SETUP menu as
described in section 10. For example to change the beeper so it does not
sound at the end of a drying test, send the command
test Beeper=0<cr><lf>