| Page © Adam Equipment Company 2009
The analyzer can use the serial interface to set parameters for weighing test
and for analyzer configuration. The parameters are set by sending a line of
data that has the description and the setting desired.
It is possible to create a text file that contains all the data necessary to set he
test conditions for a particular test (or analyzer configuration) and send this
to the analyzer. The commands are not case sensitive, i.e. parity=0 and
PARITY=0 are both accepted.
The parameters that control a test are listed below. To change a test
parameter it is necessary to send a command for the parameter to modify
along with the value to change.
For example to change the test parameters to use a single heat and set the
temperature to 110ºC send 2 commands.
Single Temp=115<cr><lf>
All commands are in English regardless of the language selected for the
analyzer operation. The commands can be sent in both upper case letters
and lower case letter, i.e. “!KT” or “!kt” are both acceptable.
Moisture Result=1; #0=%M, 1=%S, 2=%Atro_M, 3=%Atro_S default=0;
Heat=1; #0=Single, 1=Step, 2=Ramp default=0;
Single Temp=100; #50C to 160C, 00C is off default=100;
Step temp1=050; #50C to 160C, 00C is off default=100;
Stem Time1=30:00; #Time 03:00 to 99:00 default=30:00;
Step temp2=080; #50C to 160C, 00C is off default=100;
Stem Time2=30:00; #Time 03:00 to 99:00 default=30:00;
Step temp3=050; #50C to 160C, 00C is off default=100;
Stem Time3=30:00; #Time 03:00 to 99:00 default=30:00;
Ramp Temp=100; #50C to 160C, 00C is off default=100;
Ramp Time=30:00; #Time 03:00 to 99:00 default=30:00;
Rapid=0; #Rapid heat function 0=Off, 1=On, 2= Manual
Interval Time=20; #5 sec to 99 sec default=15;
Stop mode=0; #0=Stable, 1=Time, 2=Stab and Time default=3;
Stop time=10; #time = 3 to 99 min default=20;
Stable Range=0.010; #grams default=0.010 for PMB 53, 0.10 for PMB 202;
Stable Time=10; #seconds, 01-99 default=2;
Start mode=0; #0=Manual 1=Auto default=0;
savepos=01; #memory location 01 to 49;