How Do I Get Star Power?
Gain Star Power by nailing a series of star-
shaped notes that glow. You have to nail the
entire group, otherwise you’re out of luck. You
can gain even MORE Star Power by using the
Whammy Bar on long Star Power notes. Press
the Whammy Bar a bunch to get the most of
those long Star Power Notes.
Once your Star Power Meter is at least half-full
it’ll flash and that means you’re ready to tilt your
Guitar Hero Les Paul Controller! To tilt, hold the
Guitar Hero Les Paul Controller straight up! Once Star Power is activated you can lower your Guitar Hero
Les Paul Controller back down and continue jamming. Star Power will stay activated until the Star Power
meter runs out.
(In no position to tilt the controller up? You can activate Star Power by pressing the BACK button.)
Guitar Battle Rules
Instead of Star Power, you get Battle Power. Hit the Battle Gems to get a Power-Up. Tilt your guitar
upward to attack the other player and make them miss. You have to make your opponent fail before
the end of the song or else you go to Sudden Death. In Sudden Death all the power-ups become the
devastating Death Drain.
Guitar Battle Attacks
Broken String: Use this attack to break one of your opponent’s strings. The button on the guitar
controller won’t work until they fix it by rapidly tapping that button until it is repaired.
Difficulty Up:
This attack will increase the difficulty on your opponent’s note chart.
Amp Overload:
This attack causes the scrolling fret board on your opponent’s screen to shake and
blur, making it extremely difficult to read which notes are approaching.
Whammy Bar:
Use this attack on your opponent to force them to move the whammy bar fast before
they can play notes again.
Power-Up Steal:
This attack steals your opponent’s attack before they can use it. If they don’t have one
to steal and you activate this power, you’ll lose it.
Double Notes:
Deploying this attack forces your opponent to double up on how many notes they have
to play.
The Lefty/Righty Flip:
The Lefty/Righty Flip Attack swaps the note chart around opposite to how your
opponent would normally play the game.
Death Drain:
In Sudden Death, the Death Drain power-up will drain your opponent’s rock meter.