
Aaron Habibipour
Aaron Williams
Adam Micciulla
Alan Flores
Andy Gentile
Andy Lee
Andy Marchal
Andy Warwick
Anthony Carotenuto
Anthony Pesch
Anthony Saunders
Art Usher
Ben Kutcher
Beth Cowling
Bill Buckley
Brad Bulkley
Brandon Riggs
Brendan Wiu
Brian Bright
Brian Marvin
Brian Oles
Cameron Davis
Chad Findley
Chris Barnes
Chris George
Chris Parise
Chris Peacock
Chris Vance
Chris Ward
Clark Wen
Clive Burdon
Cody Pierson
Dana Delalla
Daniel Nelson
Darren Thorne
Daryl Kimoto
Dave Cowling
Dave Rowe
Dave Hernandez
David Hind
David Nilsen
David Stowater
Davidicus Schacher
Francisco Mora
Garrett Jost
Gary Jesdanun
Gary Kroll
Gavin Pugh
Genna Habibipour
Georey Inkel
Giancarlo Surla
Gideon Stocek
Greg Kopina
Greg Lopez
Hari Khalsa
Henry Ji
Jake Geiger
James Slater
Jason Greenberg
Jason Maynard
Jason Uyeda
Je Morgan
Je Swenty
Jeremiah Roa
Jeremy Page
Jeremy Rogers
Jody Coglianese
Joe Pease
Joe Kircho
Joel Jewett
John Dobbie
John ‘’Bunny’’ Knutson
John Sahas
John Walter
John Webb
John Zagorski
Johnny Ow
Jon Bailey
Jordan Leckner
Jun Chang
June Park
Justin Rote
Karl Drown
Kee Chang
Kendall Harrison
Kevin Mulhall
Kristin Gallagher
Kristina Adelmeyer
Kurt Gutierrez
Lee Ross
Lisa Davies
Lucy Topjian
Marc De Peo
Mario Sanchez
Mark L. Scott
Mark Storie
Mark Wojtowicz
Matt Canale
Max Davidian
Michael Bilodeau
Michael Esposito
Michelle Pierson
Mike Friedrich
Nolan Nelson
Olin Georgescu
Omar Kendall
Pam Detrich
Pat Connole
Patrick Hagar
Paul Robinson
Peter Day
Peter Pon
Randy Guillote
Randy Mills
Rob Miller
Robert Espinoza
Rock Gropper
Rulon Raymond
Ryan Ligon
Ryan Magid
Sam Ware
Sandy Newlands-Jewett
Scott Pease
Sean Streeter
Sergio Gil
Shane Calnan
Simon Ebejer
Sivarak ‘’Kai’’ Tawarotip
Skye Kang
Steve Gallacher
Stuart Scandrett
Tae Kuen Kim
Takashi Matsubara
Ted Barber
Thai Tran
Tim Stasica
Timothy Rapp
Tina Stevenson
Thomas Shin
Tom Parker
Travis Chen
Zac Drake
Additional Development by:
Allan Lee, Andrew Firth, Becki Halloway, Bobby Russell, Fred Wang,
Haroon Piracha, James Barker, James Slater, Jorge Lopez ,
The Funk Hole, Matt Chaney, Matt Piersall, Michael Veroni,
Mike Hall, Patrick Morrison, Okratron5000
Special Thanks To:
Adam Day, Bernie Corrigan, Bret Michaels, Erik Tarkiainen,
Janna Elias, Paco Trinidad, Pete Evick, Slash, Tom Morello
dcore Testers
Adam Nelson, Bryan Alcorn, Brian Lee, Bryan Berri,
Catherine Lefebvre, Chad Sundman, Chris Self, Chris Watkins,
Craig Baldwin, Daniel Farina, Danny Wapner, Dante Falcone,
David Vandersmith, Derrick Timberlake, Gareth Davies,
George Owens, Hao Huang, Ivan Van Norman, James Fenley,
Je Brys, Jennifer Sills, Jerimiah Donofrio, John Theodore,
Kevin Rosenberg, Kevin Quezada, Lee Ware, Matthew J. Ryan,
Michael Winte, Neil Cortez, Nicholas Chavez, Orion Brown,
Paul Yanez, Robert Byrd, Robert Keating, Ron Williams,
Scott Tester, Sean Nagasawa, Sergio Pacheco, Tony Artino,
Triston Wall
Motion Capture Performers
Adam Jennings, America Young, Bret Michaels, Colin Day,
Derek Syverud, Jerod Edington, Jon Krupp, Judita Wignall,
Matt Wignall, Rick Irvin, Sam Gallagher, Scott Kinnenbrew,
Slash, Tom Morello
Voice Over Actors
Mark Mintz
Stephen Stanton
Alternative Press
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‘Crate’, ‘Flexwave’ and the Crate logo are registered trademarks
of L
oud Technologies, Inc
Decibel Magazine
Ernie Ball
Gibson USA
Guitar Center
Guitar CenterÆ and the Guitar CenterÆ logo are registered
trademarks of Guitar Center, Inc. and are used by permission, all
rights reserved
Guitar Player Magazine
Krank Amplication is a registered trademark of Krank
Amplication L.L.C.
Mackie is a registered trademark of LOUD Technologies Inc. in the
ed States and all other countries.
Pontiac, Pontiac arrowhead emblem,and Pontiac Garage are
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The RED BULL trademark and DOUBLE BULL DEVICE are trademarks
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all rights therein and unauthorized uses are prohibited.
5(tm) is a trademark of Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
Zildjian, and the stylized Zildjian logo are registered trademarks of
the Avedis Zildjian Company.
Software Production
Executive Producer Je Matsushita
Associate Producers Ted Lange, Patrick Bowman
QA Lead Daniyel Garcia
QA Analysts Casimero Agustin, Mark Johnson, Raul Renteria,
Amanda Amezcua