Location of fuses
The fuse panel is located on the back of the ATR120 in the lower left corner. To
access fuses, disconnect the power from the clock and remove the screw securing
door. Replace blown fuse with only the same rated fuse. Do not substitute.
1. Printer Head Fuse (1.5A DC 12V)
2. AC Fuse (1A AC 240V)
3. DC Fuse (2A DC 12V)
Error Codes
The ATR120 has built-in diagnostics to guide you in maintaining your time clock.
These Error Codes, when occurring, will be seen on the display.
Code Meaning of Error Check
E-01 Clock motor or sensor failure Unplug and reconnect power cord
or turn the program switch on-off
twice, letting the clock readjust.
E-03 Card positioning Contact dealer or factory
E-05 Card does not feed correctly Re-insert card and print.
E-30 Printer head fails to return to home
Contact dealer or factory
E-33 Can’t change color Check that the ribbon is installed
Contact dealer or factory
E-35 The card can’t be returned Make sure there are no
obstructions in card receiver
Contact dealer or factory
E-37 Sensor cannot locate card Contact dealer or factory
E-38 Printer head jammed Contact dealer or factory
E-40 Wrong password entered Enter the correct password