
Setting the two-color printing and internal signal tone
Time cards can be audited much easier by highlighting in red, punches outside the
normal work schedule. Using the internal audible signal will remind your employees
of start and stop times in their work schedule. You can even have a warning signal
two minutes before start time to alert your employees. This program allows for a
total combination of 32 scheduled events. Events can be selected to allow a ribbon
color change or a signal tone or a combination of both. Each event can be
programmed for the time of day in hours and minutes and the day of week.
The events available are:
Clock to print in RED
Clock to print in RED with SIGNAL
Clock to print in BLACK
Clock to print in BLACK with SIGNAL
Clock to SIGNAL without a color change
Note: The default ribbon color is black. The clock has to be programmed at a
specific time to print in red. Once a color change occurs the clock will print in that
color until an opposite color change is activated.
The following is a sample schedule of events for a 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM work
schedule with a one hour lunch period from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM (13:00) This
schedule has the clock printing in RED at 8:01 AM to 12 Noon. Any late in or early
out punches will print in RED, The clock will print in BLACK during the lunch
period. Then printing in RED at 1:01 PM (13:01) until 5:00 PM (17:00). At 5:00 PM
the clock will print in BLACK allowing for exit punches. At 5:30 (17:30) the clock
will return to RED to note OT punches or late outs. The clock will return to BLACK
at 07:30 in the morning to allow for IN punches for that day. The internal signal will
sound at 8:00 AM, 12:00, 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM audibly notifying start and stop
times. On the chart on the next page, the IN/OUT under each event denotes the event
selection shown on bottom of the display during the programming of these events.