
set banner acknowledge 55
message — Up to 32 alphanumeric characters, but not the delimiting
Defaults None.
Access Enabled.
History Introduced in MSS Version 6.0.
Usage Enable the MOTD prompt, then optionally specify a prompt
When a user logs into the WX switch using the CLI, the configured MOTD
banner is displayed, followed by the MOTD prompt message (if one is
specified). In response, the user has the option of entering y to proceed
or any other key to
terminate the connection.
Examples To enable the prompt for the MOTD banner, type the
following command:
WX# set banner acknowledge enable
success: change accepted.
To set Do you agree? as the text to be displayed following the MOTD
banner, type
the following command:
WX# set banner acknowledge message “Do you agree?”
success: change accepted.
After these commands are entered, when the user logs on, the MOTD
banner is
displayed, followed by the text Do you agree? If the user
enters y, then the login proceeds; if not, then the user is disconnected.
See Also
set banner motd on page 56
clear banner motd on page 42
display banner motd on page 45