display ap arp 315
— The following command displays ARP entries for AP 7:
WX# display ap arp 7
AP 7:
Host HW Address VLAN State Type
---------------------- ----------------- ----- -------- ------- 00:0b:0e:00:04:0c 1 EXPIRED DYNAMIC 00:0b:0e:02:76:f7 1 RESOLVED LOCAL
Table 52 describes the fields in this display.
See Also
set ap local-switching mode on page 379
set vlan profile on page 127
Table 52 Output for display ap arp
Field Description
Host IP address, hostname, or alias.
HW Address MAC address mapped to the IP address, hostname, or alias.
VLAN MAC address mapped to the IP address, hostname, or alias.
State Entry state:
RESOLVING—MSS sent an ARP request for the entry and
is waiting for the reply.
RESOLVED—Entry is resolved.
EXPIRED—Entry is expired.
Type Entry type:
DYNAMIC—Entry was learned from network traffic and
ages out if unused for longer than the ARP aging
LOCAL—Entry for the WX MAC address. Each VLAN has
one local entry for the switch MAC address.
PERMANENT—Entry does not age out and remains in the
configuration even following a reboot.
STATIC—Entry does not age out but is removed after a