5. Pull the manual starter handle slowly un-
til you feel resistance. Then give a
strong pull straight out to crank and start
the engine. Repeat if necessary.
6. After the engine starts, slowly return the
manual starter handle to its original po-
sition before releasing it.
7. Loosen the throttle friction adjuster and
return the throttle to the fully closed po-
WARNING! Loosen the throttle
friction adjuster. If there is too much
resistance, it could be difficult to
move the throttle grip, which could
result in an accident.
Electric start / prime start models
Failure to attached engine shut-off cord
could result in a runaway boat if opera-
tor is ejected. Attach the engine shut-
off cord to a secure place on your cloth-
ing, or your arm or leg while operating.
Do not attach the cord to clothing that
could tear loose. Do not route the cord
where it could become entangled, pre-
venting it from functioning.
Avoid accidentally pulling the cord dur-
ing normal operation. Loss of engine
power means the loss of most steering
control. Also, without engine power,
the boat could slow rapidly. This could
cause people and objects in the boat to
be thrown forward.
1. Place the gear shift lever in neutral.
The start-in-gear protection device prevents
the engine from starting except when in neu-
2. Attach the engine shut-off cord to a se-
cure place on your clothing, or your arm
or leg. Then install the clip on the other
end of the cord into the engine shut-off