• AZERTY keyboard
You use the keyboard to enter your destination or to find items in a list, like
Manage maps
Tap this button to do the following:
• Download a map - you can buy new maps from TomTom PLUS. For more
information, see TomTom PLUS on page 63.
• Switch map - tap this button to change the map you are using.
• Delete a map - tap this button to create more space on your RIDER by
deleting a map.
Don’t delete a map unless you have already made a backup of the map. If
you delete a map before you make a backup, you won’t be able to put the
map back on your RIDER.
For more information about making a backup, see Using TomTom HOME on
page 65.
You can also download, add and delete maps using TomTom HOME.
Manage POIs
Tap this button to do the following:
• Set alerts for when you are near POIs.
For example, your RIDER can tell you when there is a petrol station nearby.
• Create your own POI categories and add POIs to them.
For example, you could create a category of POIs called “Friends”, and add
all your friends’ addresses as POIs in the category. You can even add your
friends’ phone numbers with their address so you can call them from your
For more information about POIs, see Points of Interest on page 39.
Note: The keyboard does not include accents of any kind for any language as
you don’t have to enter letters with accents. Simply type the letter without the
accent and your RIDER will recognise it.
This button may only be available if all menu options are shown. To show all
menu options, tap Show ALL menu options.
For more information, see Hidden buttons and features on page 49.
Manage maps
This button may only be available if all menu options are shown. To show all
menu options, tap Show ALL menu options.
For more information, see Hidden buttons and features on page 49.
Manage POIs