Chapter 12
Points of Interest
Points of Interest
Points of Interest or POIs are useful places on the map. Here are some
• Restaurants
• Parking garages
• Petrol stations
Showing POIs on the map
1. Tap Enable/disable POIs in the Preferences menu.
2. Select the POI categories to display on the map.
Tap Find to search for a POI by name.
3. Tap Done.
The POIs you selected are shown on the map as symbols.
Calling a POI
Your TomTom RIDER knows the phone numbers for many POIs. You can, for
example, call a restaurant to book a table or a cinema to book tickets.
For information about using your TomTom RIDER for hands-free calling, see
Hands-free calling on page 45.
Navigating to a POI
You can use a POI as your destination. For example, if you are travelling to a
city you aren’t familiar with, you could navigate to a parking garage there.
1. Tap the screen to bring up the Main Menu.
2. Tap Navigate to... in the Main Menu.
disable POIs