Thales Navigation 600 GPS Receiver User Manual

If you understand the concept of a GOTO route being a straight
route with a starting and ending point, then you can understand
multileg routes. A multileg route is many GOTO routes linked
together. So instead of having a route that only goes from A to B,
you can create routes that go from A to B to C to D and so on.
Accessing Routes
From any screen, press
Menu. Use the joystick to
highlight “Routes” and
New Route
When “<New>” is selected, the Create Route screen is displayed.
Enter with “<Add POI>” to go to the POI database to
select the next POI in the route list. If you highlight an existing
item in the route list and press
Menu, you will be given the
choices of inserting a POI before the one highlighted, deleting the
highlighted POI from the route or just replacing it with a new POI.
When you have the route organized like you
want it, use the joystick to highlight Save Route
and press
Enter. Use the keypad to enter a
name for the route, highlight the “OK” button
and press
Any routes
saved will be
along with an
option to
create a new
Using Multileg Routes