RSA-1200L User Manual
1.5 Application Circuit
Figure 1-4 Application Circuit Reference
(1) Ground Planes:
This pin2 should be connect to ground.
(2) Serial Interface:
(Ⅰ) The TXA pin is recommended to connect to serial resistance(220Ω)
and pull up (10KΩ). It can increase the stability of serial data. (Default
(Ⅱ) The RXA pin is recommended to connect to serial resistance(220Ω)
and pull up (10KΩ). It can increase the stability of serial data. (Default
(3) Backup Battery:
When module is working, must to supply VCC pin(Pin1) and VBATT
pin(Pin6) power at the same time.
It’s recommended to connect a backup battery to VBATT pin.
In order to enable the warm start and hot start features of the GPS receiver.
If you use backup battery, should be add a bypassing capacitor (10uF) at
VBATT pin. It can reduce noise and increase the stability.
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