RSA-1200L User Manual
1 Introduction
RoyalTek RSA-1200LX low power and small form factor board is the newest
generation of RoyalTek smart antenna GPS module. The smart antenna GPS module
is powered by SiRF Star III technology and RoyalTek proprietary navigation algorithm
that providing you more stable navigation data. Parallel design is the major new
feature of RSA-1200LX.
The smallest form factor and parallel design is the best choice to be embedded in a
portable device and receiver like PND, mobile phone, car holder, personal locator,
digital camera and vehicle locator. The excellent sensitivity of RSA-1200LX gets the
great performance when going though the urban canyon and foliage
Product Features
² 20 parallel channels
² Extreme fast TTFF at low signal level
² Operable from 3.3V/48mA continuous mode.
² Wire to board connector
² TCXO design
² 0.1 second reacquisition time
² Small form factor with embedded SiRF Star III single chip technology.
² NMEA-0183 compliant protocol/custom protocol.
² 4 Mbits Flash Memory
² Enhanced algorithm for navigation stability
² Excellent sensitive for urban canyon and foliage environments.
² SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS and MSAS) support
² Auto recovery while RTC crashes
² Trickle power supported
1.1 Product applications
² Automotive navigation
² Personal positioning and navigation
² Marine navigation
² Timing application
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