Polaris Sportsman 90 Offroad Vehicle User Manual

Air Cleaner 132...................
Battery Installation 110.............
Battery Maintenance 106...........
Battery Removal 109..............
Brake Adjustment 140.............
Brake Freeplay Adjustment 142.....
Brake Lever R7..................
Brake, Parking 58.................
Brakelight Lamp Replacement 159..
Brakes, Front 57..................
Brakes, Rear 57..................
Break In Period 74-76.............
Camber And Caster 137...........
Carburetor Adjustments 163........
Carrying Loads 77-80..............
Chain Adjustment 157.............
Cleaning Your ATV 160............
Control And Parts Functions 49-69..
Crossing Streams 98..............
Cylinder Head Torque 147..........
Daily Pre-ride Inspection 20-21, 81-83
Drive Chain Adjustment 155-156....
Engine Electrical Switches 49.......
Engine Start Button 51.............
Engine Stop Switch R4, 50.........
Exhaust System Restrictor 135.....
Front Brake R7...................
Fuel Safety 65....................
Fuel System 63...................
Gas Cap R6.....................
General Safety And
Description of Labels 5-19......
Handlebar Adjustment 128.........
Ignition Switch R8................
Indicator Lights 56.................
Kick Starter R5, 69................
Know Your Machine R2-R11.......
Load Capacity 77-80..............
Lubricant 67......................
Lubrication Recommendations122-123
Main Switch 49...................
Battery 106-111...................
Maintenance 115-163..............
Maintenance Record 126...........