ABC-type keyboards
These keyboards contain only letters (Latin, Hebraic, Greek or Cyrillic). If you wish to
enter numbers, you need to tap the Keys button to switch to the numeric keyboard.
Use Backspace (arrow pointing left) to delete the last letter you have entered if you
have made a mistake, tap Space to enter more words, and hit List or Done to finish
entering the text.
This type of keyboard has large, finger-friendly buttons.
Note: If you have chosen a program language that uses Latin letters, only the ABC
keyboard appears. If you choose the Greek language, an additional keyboard
appears with Greek letters. Similarly Hebraic and Cyrillic letters are available when
Hebrew or Russian is chosen in Setup / Languages (Page 81).
If you are used to computer keyboards, you may consider trying one of the
QWERTY-type keypads. QWERTY-type keyboards
QWERTY-type keyboards have both letters and numbers on them. Their layout is
the same as of the standard QWERTY and AZERTY (French) keyboards. To switch
to your desired QWERTY-type keyboard, press the Keys button.