247Exterior lamps
and controls
Operation Driving
cluster display
Practical hints Car care Index
Adjusting headlamp aim
Correct headlamp adjustment is extremely important.
To check and readjust a headlamp, follow steps 1
through 7. Please note:
• Adjustments to low beam simultaneously aim the
high beam.
• Vehicle should have a normal trunk load.
• Vertical aim adjustments change horizontal aim.
1. Park vehicle on level surface approximately 25 ft.
(7.6 m) from a vertical test screen or wall. The
centerline of the vehicle must be at a 90° angle to
the test screen.
2. (Low beams on):
Using a carpenter‘s level, align and mark a vertical
centerline (8) on the test screen using the vertex of
the angle formed in each beam image. As a check,
the distance between centerlines should be 49
inches (1260 mm). If the distance does not check,
have the system verified by an authorized
Mercedes-Benz Center.
3. Open hood.
4. Vertical headlamp aim (Low beams on):
Turn adjusting screw (2) (counterclockwise to adjust
headlamp downward, clockwise upward) until
bubble in the level (6) is centered on the “0” mark.
Graduations: 0.18° pitch.