Revision 1.2 Appendix A – NMEA 2000
Interfacing Page A7
11: Software Code (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x0001, which is the identifier for
this version of the Maretron proprietary protocol
12: Maretron Command (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x30, which will force the GPS
Engine to restart as selected by the following field.
13: Restart mode (8 bits) – set this field’s value to select the restart mode, 0=Factory
restart, 1=Cold start.
PGN 126208 – NMEA Request Group Function – Transmission Periodic Rate
This PGN will enable or disable the periodic transmission of specific PGNs.
Field 1: Complex Command Group Function Code (8 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x00,
which denotes a request PGN
2: Requested PGN (24 bits) – set this field’s value to the corresponding PGN for which
you wish to change the periodic rate.
3: Transmission Interval (32 bits) – set this field’s value to 0x0 to disable the periodic
transmission of the PGN identified in field 2 above. Set this field’s value to
0xFFFFFFFE to restore periodic transmission of the PGN identified in field 2 at the
default rate. Otherwise, program in the desired periodic rate to restore periodic
transmission of the PGN identified in field 2 above at the desired rate. The resolution
of this field is 1 millisecond.
4: Transmission Interval Offset (16 bits) – set this field’s value to 0xFFFF; all other
values will cause the request to be rejected.
5: Number of Pairs of Commanded Parameters to Follow (8 bits) – set this field’s value
to 0x0.