32 1 1 0 0 +
Cables: Jack cable (General tolerance +/- 0.07m)
0 = *Straight 2.3 m 5 = Straight without plug 1 m (CS) always black
1 = *Straight 1.05 m X = *Other cablel/ length
2 = *Coiled 0.4 m * always the same colour as the actuator
3 = *Coiled 0,2 m
4 = Straight without plug 0,5 m (Potentiometer) always black
Protection Class: 0 = IPX1
1 = IPX5
2 = IPX6 Washable
Motor type: 0 = 24V 4 = 24V L-motor standard motor, will always have to
1 = 24V S-motor be chosen for use with a LINAK control box.
2 = 12V S-motor 5 = 12V motor
3 = 24V Jumbo motor
Stroke length: XXX = mm Max. 400 mm for 3-6 mm pitch (up to 600 mm with special (20%) items
Max. 500 mm for 9-12 mm pitch (up to 600 mm with special (20%) items
Min. 100 mm
Install. dim. 0 = Standard
X = Other install. dim.
Option: 0 = None 4 = Brake
1 = Safety nut 5 = Brake with safety nut.
2 = Steel splines
3 = Steel splines with safety nut.
Colour: + = Grey
- = Black
Option: 0 = None
F = Quick release (F) H = Quick release, dampened movement(FH)
Positioning C/S 0 = None
Optical encoder: P = Potentiometer 1 kohm R = Reed switch
L = Potentiometer 5 Kohm D = Optical encoder
T = Potentiometer 10 Kohm
Y = CS 32A mount. (Not IP65 / 66)
Z = CS 32B mount.
C = CS 32C mount.
Back Fixture: 1 = Standard 5 = Large standard
2 = Turned 90 degrees 6 = Large turned 90 degrees
A = Standard with El-splines
B = Turned 90 degrees with El-splines
Spindle type: 1 = 3 mm (1 threaded) 7 = 12 mm (4-threaded)
2 = 6 mm (2 threaded) 8 = 5 mm (2-threaded)
3 = 9 mm (3 threaded) K = Ball spindle
4 = 4 mm (2 threaded)
5 = 2,5 mm (1 threaded)
Actuator type: 32 = LA32
• As there is friction in the spindle/gear system, a load of 800 N is necessary to start the lowering function
with LA32F. The actuator will use up to 3.5 Amp. in inward direction unloaded due to a brake system
that is fitted as standard on all types of LA32F.
• Release of the QR is only possible with a Bowden cable release force 25-60 N.
• The piston rod eyes are “crimped” in place and cannot be screwed loose
Protective cap
“Crimped” piston rod eye Piston rod without eye
• Piston rods without eyes are not tested
• LA32 with quick release and free wheeling function must not be sold to new products
Maximum load in pull = 2000N
Ordering example: