Lexus RX 400H Automobile User Manual

EPA Mileage Estimates & Fuel Economy (continued)
Expected range
for most drivers
22 to 30 MPG
Expected range
for most drivers
20 to 28 MPG
Your actual
mileage will vary
depending on how you
drive and maintain
your vehicle.
Typical EPA Mileage Estimate data found on vehicle window sticker
(Sticker and figures for AWD model) - Figure 1.
Why you may not achieve the EPA estimates
Because the EPA fuel economy estimates are derived in ideal laboratory
conditions, they are just estimates, which may not reflect real world conditions.
There are many factors which may cause your actual mileage with the
RX 400h, or other vehicles, to vary from the EPA estimates:
Quick accelerationand heavy brakingmay reduce mileagebyas much as
33%in highway drivingand asmuch as5%in citydriving.
Driving athighwayspeeds above 60mph. (Themaximum EPAhighway test
speed is 60mph, theaveragespeed is48 mph)
Driving onhilly ormountainous terrainand unpavedroads. (EPAtests
assumeflat roads.)
Shorttrips causethe engineto runmore asa percentage ofdriving,
as itwarmsthe emissionssystem.
Carryingextraweight ortowinga trailer. (TheEPA testassumes only
300 lbs. ofpassengersand cargo.)
Cargoracks. (Vehicles are testedwithout cargo racks, whichcan increase
wind drag.)
Poor maintenance. (Vehiclestested arein topcondition.)
Newvehicles. (Optimum fueleconomy maynot berealizeduntil the
engine is"broken-in," whichmay takeup to5,000miles.)
Some fuelscontain lessenergythan others.Using oxygenatedfuels or
reformulatedgasoline (RFG), forexample,can cause asmall decrease
in fueleconomy.
(Source for above information:
RX 400h