c330 Owner’s Manual 21
Customizing Navigation
Route Preference—select which criteria to use for calculating
your route. Select Faster Time to calculate routes that are faster
to drive but may be longer in distance. Select Shorter Distance
to calculate routes that are shorter in distance but may take more
time to drive.
Vehicle—specify which vehicle type you are driving so the c330
can optimize routes for your specific type. For some vehicle types,
the c330 may give you access to roads or turns that wouldn’t be
available to normal traffic. This lets you take full advantage of the
routing information built into the c330’s map software.
—select certain road types that may be undesirable on
your routes and you want to avoid. The c330 uses these road types
only if alternative routes take you too far out of your way or if no
other road is available. Select the Enabled button to access the
road types shown below.
• U-Turns—will not direct you to make a U-turn on non-divided
• Toll Roads—avoid entering toll roads.
• Highways—avoid routes on interstates and major highways.
• Unpaved Roads—avoid unpaved surfaces.
Attention Tone
—determine whether the voice prompts are
preceded by a chime. This is turned off by default.
Restore Settings button—restores the original navigation settings.