Garmin GNS 480TM GPS Receiver User Manual

Advanced Operation
Nav Mode
identifier will replace the OBS value when it receives the identifier message.
111.80 s117.40 120 fr A}}}
111.80 s117.40 120 ---flagged---
The CDI display is selected by pressing the OBS button. The CDI display is not available
if the SL30 is set to use an external indicator head that does not provide a resolver input.
The graphic CDI shows an airplane icon at the center that points up in the To condition
or down for From. An area of ambiguity exists when you are on radials that are more than
85° off the OBS course setting. When you are within this range, the airplane icon will be
replaced by the “+” symbol.
OBS Setting
The SL30 graphic CDI is shown as a bar graph of up to five pairs of short and tall bars right
or left of the icon. Each short and tall bar pair indicates two degrees deflection. The short bar
alone shows partial progress towards a full two degrees. Fly towards the bars to be on course,