Component 3.8L OHV V6
4.6L SOHC V8
Air filter FA-1611 FA-1634
Fuel filter FG-800A FG-800A
Battery BXT-59 BXT-59
Oil filter FL-400S FL-820S
PCV valve EV-152 EV-98
Spark plugs* AWSF-42EE** AWSF-32PP***
* Refer to Vehicle Emissions Control Information
(VECI) decal for spark plug gap information.
**If a spark plug is removed for inspection, it must
be reinstalled in the same cylinder. Cylinders No. 1,
2 and 3 have an “EG” suffix. Cylinders No. 4, 5 and
6 have an “E” suffix. If a spark plug needs to be
replaced, use only spark plugs with the same service
part number suffix letter as shown on the engine
*** If a spark plug is removed for inspection, it must
be reinstalled in the same cylinder. Cylinders No. 1,
2, 3 and 4 have a “PG” suffix. Cylinders No. 5, 6, 7
and 8 have a “P” suffix. If a spark plug needs to be
replaced, use only spark plugs with the same service
part number suffix letter “PP” as shown on the
engine decal.
Capacities and specifications