Ford 1965/72 Automobile Accessories User Manual

Step #4 – Once in
Section 20, you must
locate the part number
for group 2211-2.
Because the group
number is in the 2200 –
2299 range, click on the
bookmark (2200) to
quickly locate the
general area. Next,
scroll down the page
until locating group
number 2211-2 (Note –
it is thought that either
the example or the
catalog itself contains
an error because the
group number is listed
as 2211-12 but should
be 2211-2)
Now that you are in the
correct group, locate the
vehicle catalog code "S"
(for Thunderbird). Find
1971 (71) in the
"YEAR" column.
The part numbers
shown are C7AZ 2211-
E for right hand and
C7AZ 2212-E for left