Escort 7500 Radar Detector User Manual

Here ExpertMeter shows 1 strong K-band
signal, and three X-band signals, two strong
and one weak.
Here ExpertMeter shows 1 weak Ka-band
signal, and three weak X-band signals.
On very weak signals, there will not be a
vertical line at all. This shows a very weak
X-band signal.
ExpertMeter Details
The band designators (X, K, Ka) will
stay on the display for a few seconds
the signal has passed. This allows you to see
what the unit detected, even on very brief
However, the vertical lines represent-
ing individual signals
continuously change
(several times a second) to give you a con-
tinuous instantaneous view of all radar sig-
nals present.
Note: even long-time detector users
will require a significant time to get
familiar with this new level of infor-
mation about detected signals.
Controls and Indicators
However, Passport’s ExpertMeter si-
multaneously tracks up to 8 radar signals. It
shows you detailed information on up to 2
Ka-band, 2 K-band, and 4 X-band signals.
ExpertMeter can help you spot a
change in your normal driving environ-
ment; for example, a traffic radar unit being
operated in an area where there are nor-
mally other signals present.
The ExpertMeter is actually a minia-
ture spectrum analyzer. It shows what band
each signal is, its relative frequency within
the band, and its signal strength.
Above is the ExpertMeter Display if Passport
was detecting 2 strong Ka-band, 2 strong
K-band, and 4 strong X-band signals.
As you can see, there are vertical lines
after each band designator. Each line shows
a signal being detected. The height of each
line shows the relative signal strength of
that signal. The position of the line shows
the relative frequency of the signal within
the band.
NOTE: If you use ExpertMeter, the
brief signal shown in the power-on se-
quence when you turn on your Passport
will also be in ExpertMeter: an “X” with a
single vertical line.
A few more examples will help you
better see how the ExpertMeter works.