Escort 7500 Radar Detector User Manual

Details of EZ Programming Options
Pilot Light (power-on indication)
Note: when you are using the Dark mode,
the display will only show HD, AD, or CD,
(Highway-Dark, Auto-Dark, or City-Dark).
PilotHWY (full descr iption)
In this setting, Passpor t will displa y
"Highway," "City ," or "A uto" as its po wer-
on indication. (factor y default)
Pilot H (letter)
In this setting, Passport will displa y "H"
for Highw ay, "C" f or City, and "A" f or Auto.
Pilot H.> (Letter with scanning dot)
In this setting, Passport will display "H"
for Highway, "C" for City, and "A" for
Auto. Also, a single dot will continuously
scroll across the display.
Pilot+ (symbol)
In this setting, Passport will display "+" for
Highway, "." for Auto, and "-" for City.
Pilot+.> (symbol with scanning dot)
In this setting, Passport will display "+" for
Highway, "." for Auto, and "-" for City. Also,
a single dot will continuously scroll across
the display.
Pilot+> (scanning symbol)
In this setting, Passport will display "+" for
Highway, "." for Auto, and "-" for City. Each
will continuously scroll across the display.
Power-on Sequence
PwrOnSTD (standar d)
In this setting, each time you turn on Pass-
port, it will display "Passport 7500", "LA-
SER", "Ka-band", "K-band", "X-band", fol-
lowed by a brief X-band alert. (factory de-
PwrOnFST (fast power-on)
In this setting, each time you turn on Pass-
port, it will display a brief X-band alert.
Signal Strength Meter
MeterSTD (standar d meter)
In this setting, the meter displays the band
of the received signal, and a bar graph
showing the relative signal strength. (fac-
tory default)
MeterEXP (Exper t Meter)
In this setting, the meter simultaneously
tracks multiple radar signals. It shows up to
2 Ka band, 2 K band, and 4 X band signals.
Note: The ExpertMeter feature is ex-
plained in more detail on page 9.