Edelbrock 641563 Automobile Parts User Manual

©2007 Edelbrock Corporation
Brochure #63-641560Page 6
Catalog #641560, 641563
Rev. 10/07 - AJ/mc
1. Measure the -6AN Proflex hose and determine the lengths needed
to reach from the fuel pump to the fuel filter, the fuel filter to the fuel
rail, and from the fuel rail to the fuel pressure regulator. Mark the
locations to be cut and wrap the hose tightly with masking or
electrical tape at these points. Make sure to use enough hose to
prevent the possibility of the hose kinking after assembly.
2. Determine the length of -4AN hose required to reach from the fuel
pressure regulator to the factory return line at the fuel pump. Mark
the locations to be cut and wrap the hose tightly with masking or
electrical tape at these points. Make sure to use enough hose to
prevent the possibility of the hose kinking after assembly.
3. Using a vice, clamp the hose loosely and position the cut line at the
edge of the vice. The best way to cut is with cutting wheel or a
hacksaw with two blades opposing one another. Remove the tape
when you are finished cutting.
NOTE: It is best to measure, mark, and cut each section
one at a time.
4. Locate the hose ends to be used in your installation. For the fuel
pump to fuel filter, and filter to fuel rail hoses, we used one -6AN
straight hose end at each end of each line. For the fuel rail to fuel
pressure regulator line, we used one 45° swivel hose end and one
90° swivel hose end. For the fuel pressure regulator to fuel tank
return line, we used one straight -4AN hose end at the regulator end
of the line. A hose clamp and clamp cover will be used to secure it
to the fuel return at the tank.
5. Hose End Assembly:
NOTE: Use fitting assembly lube when assembling hose ends.
Use AN wrenches if available, and DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN
FITTINGS. See Russell catalog or contact the Edelbrock Tech
Line for details.
A. Unscrew the socket of the hose end from the nipple. Hold
the socket carefully in a vice using soft jaws and insert the
hose into the socket by turning it counter-clockwise. The
hose will stop at the bottom step of the socket.
B. Position the nipple assembly of the hose end in the vice
using soft jaws. Apply assembly lube to the threads of the
socket as well as to the nipple assembly.
C. Start the socket over the nipple by hand to ensure correct
alignment of threads and tighten as far as possible by
hand. Finish with the correct AN wrench until it reaches
the nipple hex or when there is no more than 1/16" gap
between the nipple/socket assembly. Be sure to wash and
pressure test the assembly before using.
1. Connect the -4AN fuel return hose to the fuel pump. Slip the hose
clamp cover, followed by the hose clamp over the end of the hose,
and slide the hose over the return line on the pump. Snug the hose
clamp over the end of the return line, but do not fully tighten. Slip
the hose clamp cover over the clamp
(See Fig. 16)
2. Connect the -6AN fuel supply hose to the EFI adapter fitting on the
fuel pump. Be sure hoses are properly clocked before fully
tightening the fittings.
5. Fuel Tank Reinstallation:
A. Begin to raise the fuel tank back into position. Make sure
the fuel supply and return hoses are aligned such that they
are leading towards your intended routing path.
B. Reconnect the vent line and any other connections as you
raise the tank into position. Make sure the fuel supply and
return hoses are not kinked or pinched in any way by the
fuel tank and that the top of the fuel pump is aligned
properly with the fuel pump access hole in the chassis.
C. When the tank is in position, reinstall the fuel tank
mounting straps and tighten the mounting strap bolts.
D. Reinstall the exhaust midpipe that was removed
previously. Replace exhaust gaskets if necessary.
E. Reconnect the fuel fill tube to the fuel tank. Reinstall the
fuel fill tube cover and driver side rear wheel.
3. Make sure the fuel supply and fuel return hoses are laid out under
the car such that they are leading in the direction of your desired
fuel line routing.
4. If using the factory fuel line routing, align the fuel supply and return
lines in the factory channel, and use the factory clips (with tabs
removed previously for clearance) to secure them in place, and
reinstall the factory fuel line cover
(See Fig. 17)
. If using a
different path, align the fuel supply and return hoses in place and
use the supplied cushion clamps to secure them to the chassis.
Figure 16 - Connect Return Hose to Fuel Pump
Figure 17 - Fuel Hoses Under Factory Cover