Dodge 2006 Grand Caravan Automobile User Manual

AUTO. Only when the REAR SYSTEMknob is in the
REAR CONTROL position do the second seat occu-
pants have control of the Rear Automatic Temperature
Control System.
The Rear Automatic Temperature Control System is
located in the headliner near the center of the vehicle.
Operation of the rear system is quite simple. Begin by
rotating the rear system center control knob on the front
ATC control unit to the REAR CONTROLposition, this
illuminates an UNLOCK symbol in the rear display.
Next, rotate the Rear Blower Control and the Rear Mode
Control to the AUTO positions. Select the temperature
you would like the system to maintain by pressing the
Rear Temperature Control button. Once the desired tem-
perature is displayed, the system will achieve and main-
tain that comfort level automatically. When the system is
set up for your comfort level, it is not necessary to change
the settings. You will experience the greatest efficiency by
simply allowing the system to function automatically.
It is not necessary to move the temperature settings for
cold or hot vehicles. The system automatically adjusts
the temperature, mode and fan speed to provide
comfort as quickly as possible.
Rear Automatic Temperature Control