Directed Electronics 564T Remote Starter User Manual

© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
LLeeaarrnn RRoouuttiinnee wwiillll bbee eexxiitteedd iiff::
Door is closed.
Ignition is turned off.
Program switch is pressed too many times.
More than 15 seconds between steps.
ttrraannssmmiitttteerr ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss
The transmitters can be programmed with the standard or single button arm/disarm configurations by using the
Auto Learn functions in the Transmitter/Receiver Learn Routine.
A remote that uses the standard configuration operates similarly to many factory keyless entry remotes. A stan-
dard configuration transmitter allows arming, disarming, and Panic Mode activation with separate buttons. When
programmed for standard configuration, the transmitter buttons are assigned to the following functions:
Panic ON/Panic OFF
panic off
....................................operates...........................Remote start
.....................................operates...........................Channel 2—trunk
and .......................operate............................3 hr Timer Mode
and .......................operate............................24 hr Timer Mode
and .......................operate ..........................Short Run/Turbo
and .......................operate............................Temperature
..................................................................................Control Start
bbuuttttoonn ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
ssttaannddaarrdd ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn