© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
Connect this wire to the accessory wire in the vehicle which powers the climate control system.
Connect this wire to the ignition wire in the vehicle.
Connect this wire to the second ignition/accessory wire in the vehicle. (See selectable menu feature 2-9.)
For vehicles that do not have a second ignition/accessory wire, this connection is not
If additional current capacity is needed cut this wire, add a fuse adequate for the circuit to be supplied, and
connect to an additional 12V source.
RREEDD//WWHHIITTEE ((++)) 1122VV iinnppuutt
PPIINNKK//WWHHIITTEE ((++)) sseeccoonndd iiggnniittiioonn aacccceessssoorryy oouuttppuutt
PPIINNKK ((++)) iiggnniittiioonn oouuttppuutt
OORRAANNGGEE ((++)) aacccceessssoorryy oouuttppuutt